National Law University Jodhpur

CLAT-2024: 2nd List UG AI- O.B.C. (NCL) category admission against vacant seats

Following candidate has been offer provisional admission in Under-Graduate Program in AI-O.B.C. (NCL) Category at National Law University, Jodhpur. The candidate is required to deposit the fees of Rs.-1,68,000/- through online fee deposit link available on NLUJ website (Click Here) and fill the form (Click Here) and email to  latest by 04th August, 2024 failing which the offer for provisional admission shall automatically stand cancelled. The candidate is also required to send the receipt of the fees paid with scanned copy of the documents including the confirmation email received after filling the anti ragging undertaking on UGC website to the e-mail id



Clat Roll Number





Sakshi Devanda



 *Document=Class 10th & 12th certificates and mark sheet, migration certificate of last studied institute, passport size photographs of the candidate, CLAT-2024 Admit Card and Marks Card(result), Gap Certificate/Affidavit on Rs.50/- Non-Judicial Stamp (if applicable), Copy of O.B.C. (NCL) certificate issued on or after 01/07/2023 and copy of confirmation email of anti ragging affidavit received from UGC.